Basement Breathes Deep
Headless dreams floating shoulders ceiling high under floor boards, summer time, and neck ties as we forget which way is go. Bellowed out groans creek in corners that extend for days the blackest nights that suffocate in all directions as we lay in wait for excavation days where the stones crumble against all will of power. Concrete nightmares tap dance on the very ends of synaptic calligraphy dotted eyes, and trampled tees locked up in whirlpools that swallow the naked eye, and always searches for new dead ends ones in which the weak are forced to eat themselves at gun point. Blackened nails and watercolor eyes against windows that float afternoons by as the simmer solstices fade in frozen candles in the breathless winds. Teeth against the glass tempers we watch in wait but the emergency never meets the glass as again we turn over in beds made for lives like this expectations have fallen through and we just coexist in the ether among the lights of heaven we drift. Hum struck we float on time we do not have, and with people we used to be as the shed skin shimmers as light gasps for breath down here. Down here at the bottom we sit in wait as the monsters that swim down here smile deep, and wide as they hunger for more than the glue that once held our heads together. How pathetic we probably sound drowning in the same deep water for lifetimes untold as we are sung to in tongues undreamt that we shouldn't be here as there is no room in existence for when we finally get out.
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