Trophy Lives

Shuttles pierce atmosphere circling for days. 
The black sinking down here endless, for daze. 
Shock so deep that it pulses through our spines.
Forgetting that we are lost, and hoping that this rhymes.
Lights flicker out, light shows to the north. 
The darkness just swirls here like a drink taking it's designated course. 
Consolation prizes burn up, and the pressure makes the heart, and soul writhe. 
Not moving hoping that you are just okay, or enough to get up and hitch a ride. 

Full collapse as the concave finally sinks to the bottom of this lake.
Of a life wasted, by those who loved once but have nothing left to take.
Led down here to hide until it's okay to exist.
Transitioning to a plane where the former only maintains harmony at the end of a cosmic fist.
Drifting amongst bottom fed brine of the inner workings of no real plan. 
Softly forgetting who we were while bleeding out quietly with no real honor.
You know taking it like a man.



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