Honorless, and Disenchanted
Mapped out the vultures feast.
Corpse in mouth, fire in eyes.
Mouths made for war, as the rest fall in line around your coffin.
Face down the casket closes, admired for your shame.
Avenged by no one your honor is lower that piss swirling endlessly down the drain.
Farther now than you ever have come the seasons blocked out by the SON.
Seduced by the poison you led yourself to the edge where excuses weigh on those who fly high.
Sold your soul, no one will remember the walls you tore down, or hid behind.
Scattered ashes of timeless, undreamt tidal waves of dust that sifts itself for life, place, and meaning.
Hug the sands that call in and out of time, the finest hours, wasted life, and wasted death.
Grinded halts, gridlocks that perpetuate the stereotypes, the under developed spine that flinches at reality.
Hooks dangle in the wind that reveal insecurity like a badge of honor.
Shimmering like lure to ancient ship wrecks.
You burned down the house.
Locked us inside.
Sutured our mouths shut.
We prayed our lungs out.
You drive into endless horizon where Columbus sailed off the edge.
Memory lapses.
Close the casket.
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