Come Find Me

Calm down.
It's steady as she goes.
Shadows flutter in the curtains of the open windows of my heart.
Fall days crisp the edges of lips in incomplete connections.
Feelings play together with a butterfly in the panic room.
Clouds pass.
My heart races from phantom fears.
Sighs cherish light years of youth that is on the edge of these streets.
Fall down.
I move too fast.
The way I miss you is on the flutter of angels wings.
Just an undreamt state of mind.
The way we are stuck in moments of time.
Haunting the various passerbys.
Stuck in these dreams where you come back to me.
Sitting on the edge of sunsets summers fade, fall embrace.
You were my one wish, an arcade cocktail of hymnals that we cannot preach.
Find me where we let go.
Moments in spaces I cannot yet speak.
Homesteads echo, on the sunlight, and farewells.
Come down.
Because I can't forget.


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