As If Time Had Stopped

Simple songs dance between the trees, the grass, and blades that escape freely into the midday light.
Humble is the way as the grains of time shudder awaiting for the full collapse impending fully on it's way.
Tall tales of wounds both self inflicted, and victimized by numbers on dreams boards, dioramas of little Caesars worlds pirouettes forfeiting it's worth.
Gone are the good fights as we all cough into the breeze of the perpetual underwriting of how the west was won.
Constant over correcting of the moments we spent in udder disbelief.
Wanting a perfect ending as the fault lines crack in the foundations of our hearts.
Romanticizing our minor role as the victim, hoping for the academy prize to buy back portions of the soul.
Gone for good as the sunsets wave obligatory goodbyes.
Watered down heroes, remedial lectures of results by numbers as the tap water slowly poisons the room.
Holding down the record button, as the words become literal violence we slowly re-captcha the early morning snooze.
Calm down.
Exhale the day away.
Resign the juxtaposed posing of justice as the shoulders of the social network bruises easy, as you stand on their backs.
Calm down.



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