A Fire in The Sky
Thick as thieves, lighting our own fires, rolled up sleeves as the backing scene setting the sun on the edge of lips quivered as there is no looking back.
Letting ourselves feel as the fight we flighted from the lives that got the better of us.
Unlocking the cage, swift exits ankles crack then flow in congruent wings sprouting from the single jointed knees.
Hands full of matches as the fuel lines bleed.
The amber glow of the ex lives we know flow from the endless philosophy that always keeps you on my mind.
Fighting from empty bedrooms, boarded up houses, long overgrown by the lush emerald green.
Are you holding me down by the tips of your fingers?
Folding palms around the scolding cups that overflow from sunlit slits of eyes that drive home wide shut.
Pale lit glow of canvases that put us on, and mimic the ways that I said I love you.
Octaves of shimmer tunes reach us from the rooftops soon, as the trails of dust, ash, and flume as the sleeves slip down a peg or two reminding us that life in this upturned boat is no longer gridlocked too.
Bliss in the fire, as my lips touch the warm glass.
The faces turn to the backs of heads, and the world gets smaller.
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