The whispers of wisdom dance in the curtain spread
Murmurs of angel wings
Constant against the beat of time
Familiar mire swirls in the morning dew
Fresh from the paralyzing treks from worlds unknown to the new dawns day
Diamonds glimmer in glimpses of the ex lives checked upon re-entry
Comfort creatures hide in plain sight, but out of mind
Musings of the future that have been done, and done fleet on the wings of exiting pidgeons
Flight unknown as the neck ties and coast lines we imagined for ourselves flume into confetti
As the children held hands and jumped into the unknown
Pillars, and spires climb the heights and mine the depths of the souls we always knew we had.
Dying lanterns wait for rescue knowing we were never missed this entire time
The edge of summers, vacations in limbo never planned for viewing
We saved our money for nothing
Pour the salt
Erase our footprints
We were never written into the screenplay
Crosswords mention the scribbles, and ideas we were
Tombs for no one we walk the rocks and fog
Meaningless as children drown in rivers at night
Dreams that dream in the vacuum of hope that will never brew
Whispers of diamonds in heavy windows
Pour the salt
We are never here
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